
Label: Avantgarde Music
Release Date: 2 November 2018
Available on:
““Faunalia” is incredibly mature and fresh at the same time. In this record, the band, by linking musical influences and lyrical references from various eras, reveals its huge personality. Regardless whether it’s horror cinema or Etruscan mythology, there’s always a common cultural background: the italic one.”
“Listening to the record was a priceless experience impossibile to sum up. In fact, the full-lenght discloses an entire microcosm that one can fully appreciate through deep and measured listening time and again. Each one unveils unexpected details. Burrs, imperfections and drops in pace are impossible to find.”
1. Ad Malum Finem
Ad Malum Finem’ is a slowly journey throughout the seasons of Italian witchcraft, from the Ancient Rome to our days.
2. Notturno Peregrinar
[ Il testo è cantato nei dialetti di Abruzzo e Sicilia ]
Femmena scellerat curr di notte ammandate
(Donna scellerata, nella notte tu corri coperta da una cappa)
nnenz a la cerq abberrutat nu vend d suspir t’attirat.
(Un vento di sospiri ti ha attirata dinanzi alla quercia contorta)
N’derre nu quadrale piagne lu sang disgrazijate
(A terra, un neonato piange il sangue di disgrazie)
abbije lu catenacc de la matr: Diana Clara advenit!
(Inizia la processione della Madre: Diana Clara advenit!)
Ennucci appessu… Fici li stiddi e li bramusìi
(Seguendo lei… Creò stelle e bramosia!)
Sibidda da li milli scrigni… Ecate!
(Sibilla dai mille scrigni…Ecate!)
Ennucci appessu… Nura e addumata splenni!
(Seguendo lei… Nuda e illuminata splende)
Tra li viòla ‘ndimuniati la fudda aizza!
(Aizza la folla tra le viole indemoniate)
Ventu d’infamità sciuscerà stringi lu giusquiamu di ccà!
(Stringi il giusquiamo! Un vento infame soffierà…)
L’abbite se cadrà, levete allamate annenze a lu lag li vuve z’anom fermat…
(Il suo abito cadrà, il lievito verrà bagnato e di fronte al lago i buoi si sono fermati…)
Scurrinu nni lu sangu lu vilenu e la carità
(Scorrono nel sangue veleno e carità)
Ste cacchià lu mal d la nummenate! Della signora nera!
(Sta sbocciando il male dell’innominata!)
La cire de lu mberne z’ammisciche ng l’oij!
(la cenere dell’inferno si mischia con l’olio)
Lu jaddu niuru supra ‘a spadda ci ciatìa “Sdivacalu nto pani e iddu mori in un mumentu!”
(Il gallo nero le sussurra appollaiato sulla spalla: “Versalo nel pane e morirà in un istante”)
Ad malum finem veniat…Sciùscia u riaulu ccà!
(Qui soffia il diavolo!)
Li cori di Malatiel runati a iddi Orvi occhi di pezza talianu nn’avanti.
(I Cuori di Malatièl donati a loro, orbi occhi di pezza che guardano in avanti.)
Fiur di rusmarin sopr a lu mur, Lu cultell accumbagne la sciagura!
(Fiori di rosmarino appesi al muro, il coltello porta con se la sciagura!)
[Nocturnal Wandering]
Wicked woman, you run in the night covered by a cape
Drawn in front of the twisted oak
A newborn cries blood of misery on the ground
The procession of the Mother begins.
By following her, she created stars and greed!
Sibyl with a thousand chests… Hecate!
By following her… naked and glowing she shines.
Incites the crowd among the possessed pansies
Squeeze the henbane! An infamous wind will blow…
Her dress will fall, the yeast will be wet, and the oxen stopped across the lake…
The blood is laced with venom and charity.
The evil of the Nameless One is blooming!
The ash of the hell is mixed with oil
«Pour it into the bread, and he’ll instantly die», whispers the black rooster perched on her shoulder
Here blows the Devil!
Malatièl’s hearts gifted to them, blind rag eyes facing forward,
Rosemary flowers hanging on the wall, the knife brings with it misfortune!
“The inspiration for this track comes by from an experience that I had years ago at the end of the summer. I was in the countryside when I met a group of black cats that were lazing near some ruins. I stayed a while in that place, attracted by the spectral atmosphere and none of them looked away from me, like if they were checking up on me. This was ‘till they were ‘summoned’ by something and started to slowly walk through the woods that were overlooking the ruins, silent and in line as a procession of converts. Coming back home I started writing ‘Notturno Peregrinar’, a delirious and ‘swingy’ track in which some parts have been written with an old organ, accompanied by a mandolin and with the pleasant suggestion of still having the eye of those felines on me. Lyrics are shouted in two Italian dialects.”
3. Anna Perenna
Postquam iter coepi in hac terra, a silvis movens ad civitatem,
(Da quando ho iniziato il mio viaggio su questa terra, spostandomi dai boschi alla civiltà)
numquam ab aliis respexi ad vestigia relicta, ne deverterem mea.
(non ho mai guardato l’orma lasciata dal passo altrui, per non deviare il mio)
Ignoravi ventos qui frangebant iter meum, aliquique qui me euntem celebrabant
(Ho ignorato i venti che infangavano il mio cammino, così come quelli che celebravano il mio passaggio)
Numquam recessi nec officium reliqui
(Giammai ho indietreggiato o abbandonato il mio compito)
Numquam permisi cinerem substituere ignem ne generantem.
(Giammai ho permesso che la cenere sostituisse il fuoco che mi generò.)
Homo et canis et lupus esse potest,
(L’uomo può esser lupo e può essere cane)
saepe ebrius sua stupiditate, quae invidiam profert…
(spesso inebriato dalla propria idiozia, la quale genera invidia..)
Difficile alicui est se subtrahere cupiditati infamiaeque
(Difficile per alcuni sottrarsi all’avidità e all’infamia)
Facilius sibi, inferioritate tacente, ignoscere ignaviam ignorantiamque
(E’ più facile perdonare a se stessi la propria ignavia ed ignoranza, tacente l’inferiorità)
Et haec locutus sum vobis… O nymphae sacratae Annae Perennae,
(Ed e’ per questo che a voi ora mi rivolgo… O ninfe sacre ad Anna Perenna,)
Animi eorum qui me maledicunt sub ictu tympanorum frangantur
(che i cuori di coloro che mi maledicono vadano in frantumi sotto i colpi di questi tamburi)
Iectura eorum marcescant! Aeternum fatum patiantur natos esse iniuriae divinae
(Che i loro fegati marciscano! Che subiscano in eterno il destino d’esser venuti al mondo come ingiurie divine)
Nefas in illos incidat!
(Che immane sfortuna ricada su di loro!)
A vobis capite cum velato, ego supra hostium lingues ingredior
(Con il capo velato da voi cammino sulle lingue dei miei nemici)
Mea lyra eos insanos faciat, meumque cornum eorum fletus imminet donec ipsos exsecrantur non me.
(La mia cetra li farà impazzire e il mio corno sovrasterà il loro pianto fino a che non malediranno essi stessi al mio posto.)
Since I began my journey on this earth, moving from the woods to the civilized sites
I’ve never looked at the footsteps left by someone else’s passage,
I did not mean to divert mine.
I ignored the winds, the ones that sullied my path and the ones that praised my pass.
Never have I ever retreated, nor renounced to my task
Never have I ever allowed the fire that fathered me to be replaced by dust.
The man, he can be a wolf and can be a dog
He may often be exalted by his own idiocy, envy inducing.
It’s hard for some to resist the infamy and the greed.
It’s easier if ignorance and indolence are forgiven to oneself, they silence the inferiority
That’s why I turn to you now… nymphs under the protection of Anna Perenna,
may the hearts of those who curse me be shattered, under the blows of these tabors
may their livers rot! May they bear and suffer endlessly for being put on the Earth as an insult of God
May a dreadful mishap hang over them!
I walk with the head you veiled, the tongue of my foes as a carpet
And my cithara will make them go mad, and my horn will overwhelm the sound of their weep
Until they curse themself over me.
The Superstition is something archaic and deeply-rooted in the italian folklore, it is an historical and an integral part of the cultural heritage. ’Anna Perenna’ is an ode to ancient gods, an anathema against those who wish us something bad and in the meanwhile, an antidote to misfortune. There are a lot of metaphors and multiple meanings in the lyrics, something really intimate for me. It is the most solemn and ritualistic moment of the album and for the first time I chose to follow the steps of the great italian artists of the past (like Antonius Rex or Mario ‘The Black’ Di Donato) by singing exclusively in ancient latin language.
4. Magna Mater Maior Mons
Dimora di mille eremiti, schive umanità. Stele magnifica di tempi e civiltà!
Per briganti e ribelli speranza aurea Maja Mater sarà!
La Frigia abbandonò la poderosa Ninfa via per mar!
Lo Ionio li abbracciò, correnti e guai!
Steso debole e inerme sul Fiscellus Mons Ermes il titanò spirò…
Con fuscelli d’alloro lo seppellirai ma del pianto di Niobe sei preda ormai!
Di Maja l’angoscia si spande qua! Lungo la vallata pianto s’udirà.
Dal bianco sepolcro che guarda il mar sconsolata Pleiade tra quiete e dolor!
Di sette santi in sette serpi…
Io son di remotissima stirpe
Di padri anacoreti che a sangue si flagellavano masticando la neve
Spellavan le aquile e strozzavano i lupi una sigla incisa nei massi
con un chiodo della croce raccolto da Elena.
Venti che diradan le nubi mostran la sua beltà… Specchi di luce e di brina.
Demoni e pernici nell’ombra raschian budella di pietra cercando l’oro di Maja.
Su un tappeto di foglie camminerà
Solitaria creatura con le bestie si muoverà… Viandante d’altre età!
Nell’antro della mia coscienza vi è il ricordo di vite passate
Esso si librerà, in volo coi gufi, nella notte più lunga e sarà un sentore antico d’essere stato sepolto là!
Di Maja l’angoscia si spande qua! Lungo la vallata pianto s’udirà.
Dal bianco sepolcro che guarda il mar sconsolata Pleiade tra quiete e tormenta!
Dwelling of a thousand hermits, bashful mankind.
Wonderful stele of culture and times!
Maja Mater will be a golden hope for the rebels and for the brigands!
Phrygia littered the mighty Nymph by sea.
The Ionian hemmed them, streams and messes!
Once he had lain down on the Fiscellus Mons, unarmed Ermes, the Titan, expired…
You will bury him with laurel branches, but now you’re prey of Niobe’s crying.
Here expands Maja’s anguish! Along the wide alley a groan will be heard.
From the white sepulchre which overlooks the sea, the grief-stricken Pleiad in peace and sorrow!
Of seven saints in seven snakes…
I descend from a remote origin,
From anchorite fathers, they used to flagellate themselves to blood while chewing the snow.
They skinned the eagles and throttled the wolves, Elena collected a nail of the cross
with which someone engraved a sign into the stones.
Some winds thin out the clouds, they show her beauty… mirrors of frost and light.
Demons and partridges scrape stony guts in the shade, they’re looking for Maja’s gold.
She will walk on a carpet made of leaves.
Lonely creature, wayfarer of other times … she will walk with the beasts!
There’s a memory of past lives in the antrum of my conscience
It will soar in the longest night, flying high with the owls: to be buried there… What an ancient feeling!
Here expands Maja’s anguish! Along the wide alley a groan will be heard.
From the white sepulchre which overlooks the sea, the grief-stricken Pleiad in peace and agony!alley a groan will be heard.
From the white sepulchre which overlooks the sea, the grief-stricken Pleiad in peace and agony!
‘Magna Mater Maior Mons’ has a mythic touch and is ispired by the many legends that revolve around the two mountains of the region: Majella and Gran Sasso, ‘The Goddess and the Giant”.
“The whole song comes from some lines I wrote years ago: “ In the cave of my consciousness lies the memory of my past lives, it will soar along with the owls in the longest night of the year. And the ancient feeling of being buried in this place will arise.”””
It is an epic hymn, characterized by a choral refrain and there is a long instrumental moment arranged during an afternoon spent in a secular wood.
5. Phersu
He comes from Tarchna’s underground screaming heresy and lies !
Coming to dismember your flesh! Feel the pain of their bites !
Wild beasts by my side tightened are drooling life-blood!
Begotten from the bowels of the earth… The breed! My cruel enforcers!
Your bloody wounds sweat your failure tonight painfully spilled on the sandy ground.
Feel the hooks going under your back skin! Phersu is here!
Why do you pray in front of this mask’s friendly smile, held up by a thousand worms?
Perhaps because you think that someone could survive to the insanity of this funeral game!
The red torch… In the darkness…The inflamed rain!
Flutters the whip! In the darkness… The hypnotic dance brings the pain!
Watch out from this lecherous sight! Behind this gold, the rotten world survives!
Fed by the uselessness of your disgrace. By the blindness of your faith!
Aita! Alpan! Your black rain…To blow the fire to choke the purest seed
I’m the architect of decadence! Dòlor makes me realized!
The club will raise upon your dread Blood tinted visions inside broken hands!
A sea of bodies in front of you brings to the gate of the Harlequin
The only escape starts to be your slowly dying…
Arriva dal sottosuolo di Tarquinia urlando bugie ed eresie!
Sta venendo per dilaniare le tue carni! Senti il dolore dei loro morsi!
Bestie selvatiche strette al mio fianco sbavano sangue..
Generate dalle viscere della terra! La Stirpe! I miei crudeli esecutori!
Le tue sanguinolente ferite questa notte sudano il tuo fallimento, spillato con dolore sul suolo sabbioso!
Senti gli uncini affondare sotto la pelle della schiena! Il Phersu è qui!
Perchè rivolgi preghiere al cospetto del sorriso amichevole di questa maschera, tenuta insieme da migliaia di vermi!?
Forse perchè ti illudi che qualcuno possa sopravvivere alla pazzia di questo gioco funereo!
La rossa torcia… Nell’oscurità… La pioggia di fuoco!
Vibra la frusta! Nell’oscurità… L’ipnotica danza reca dolore!
Sta attento a questo spettacolo lascivo! Dietro l’oro, il marcio sopravvive!
Alimentato dall’inutilità della tua disgrazia. Dalla cecità della tua fede!
Aita! Alpan! La vostra pioggia nera… Per soffiare il fuoco e soffocare il seme più puro.
Io sono il maestro della decadenza! Il dolore mi rende realizzato!
La mazza verrà sollevata sul tuo terrore! Visioni tinte di sangue in crani fracassati!
Un mare di corpi di fronte a te porta ai cancelli dell’Arlecchino
L’unica via di fuga inizia ad essere la tua lenta morte…
“ I got stunned by a painting in the tomb of the Augurs, in the Necropolis of Tarquinia (Lazio), named ‘Phersu’. The story and its multiple meanings and interpretations revelead to be even more interesting! It is a fierce song where I’ve experimented the use of ancient flutes (from Roman and Etruscan culture) both on slow and faster rhytms. Selvans original touch was to conceive the whole song as an horror soundtrack.”
6. Requiem Aprutii
Innanzi a noi, lo spettro del freddo austero… Unghia affilate ha…
“Questo inverno non ha pietà!”
Corrono lungo i pendii, intonan canti le correnti…
Canti di vendetta! Tra campi e viali soffieran.
L’incomber dei mesi neri su di noi…
Inutile umanità! Bianche figure si alternano, spettri di nebbia!
Anima in processione, tradito eroe, con doni nefasti avanza…
E ci consegnerà una lepre in dono… Candida… Morta…
La terra inizia a tremar! Udite il rombo dai monti ad Ovest!
Da cime si stacca l’incanto letale,
scagliandosi impetuosa e veloce a valle l’argentea falce.
Acque si riversan copiose per l’Aprutium, sfilata di corpi innanzi ad occhi attoniti.
Spogliati! Come lance aguzze, abeti ormai consumati a terra crollano!
Selvaggia… la mia terra resterà!
Gigante ormai stanco, colpito ed inerme! Reame violato per l’eternità…
Nel tuo folto proibito una danza imperversa!
Le tue frasche subiranno il peso di una lunga fiamma vile,
come schiene spezzate di vecchi saggi,
come innati spiriti d’un tempo andato corrotti da questa età!
E fuoco sarà su ogni quercia, su ogni pietra, su ogni arbusto…
Sulle umide pelli e sulle secche foglie fino a che in piedi sulla cenere
non rimarrà null’altro all’infuori dell’umana stupidità.
The sharp-clawed ghost of the harsh cold… before us…
‘’This winter has no mercy at all!’’
They run along the slopes, and the currents chant…
Songs of revenge! And between boulevards and fields they will blow
The threat of the looming dark months is open us.
Futile humanity! White figures are taking turns: misting ghosts!
Soul in procession, with his nefarious gifts here he comes, the hero betrayed…
He will deliver us a hare as a gift. Pure… dead…
And the earth starts to rumble! Hear the deafening roar by the mountains to the West!
The deadly lure break off the summits,
and the silver scythe lashes out downstream, violently, quickly.
The waters spread out over Aprutium and is plentiful, there’s a parade of bodies just above astonished eyes
Stripped! Consumed spruces fall to the ground as sharp spears.
My land shall remain untamed.
The giant was hit, he’s helpless and tired! And the realm violated forevermore…
A dance is rampant in your thick forbidden.
And your kindlings will endure the weight of a long vile flame,
as old sage’s broken backs,
as innate spirits coming from a time gone: it has been spoiled by this age.
And there will be fire on each oak, on each shrub, on each stone…
On moist skins and dry leaves, until only human foolishness is left standing on the ash.
“The song is divided into three acts and travels throughout the climate changings and the sequence of human and natural calamities that happened in my region between the winter and summer of 2017. In the first Act, there is a winter scenery dominated by heavy snowfalsl, avalanches and earthquakes. The second Act portraits a quiet moment, snows are melting and the reconstruction begins, but it’s impeded by floods. In the third Act there is the epilogue, with fire in the woods of our land: the ‘coup the grace’ is given by their own inhabitants to a savage land that doesn’t want any owners, despite all.”
The Album
“It’s quite a personal record. It begins where Lupercalia ends, getting back to the same matter but experimenting with sounds and narratives that we could define as ‘newest’. I made a large use of an old piano, organs and vintage synthesizers once owned by my family”-Selvans
After three years from the release of Lupercalia, the debut album, it’s the moment of Faunalia. Presented with the caption “A Dark Italian Opus”, the album introduces dark folklore related aesthetics and broad new sounds in the project, which later become a trademark: organs and synths of progressive origin and orchestral moments that give a nod to Morricone’s compositions.
For the drummer Hyakrisht this is the first experience in the recording studio. Highlights of the record include two famous names of the Italian historical scene: Agghiastru (Inchiuvatu) and Renato ‘Mercy’ Carpaneto (Ianva).
“I always thought of Faunalia as the second chapter of a trilogy, and as a follow-up to Lupercalia, broadly speaking, as its own evolution. An evolution aimed at shaping the aesthetics, the concept and the sound of the project even more.”